The Office Wiz offers instructor-led virtual training sessions with lots of hands-on activities.  Training can be held in your office or via online.


How To Be a Rockstar Legal Assistant

Do you want to be the valued and vital right hand of an attorney? Identify the core ingredients to be a sought-after legal assistant and learn to develop those skills to put yourself in the perfect position for you to shine. Whether you are looking to knock your boss’ socks off, or you are just beginning your career as an assistant, this workshop is for you.

How To Be a Superstar Receptionist

The receptionist is one of the most important roles in a company. Often their’s is the first voice heard and/or the first face seen. Master the essential characteristics to make positive first impressions and make visitors feel welcome.

How To Give Exceptional Customer Care

Where would you be without customers? Whether you are serving actual customers or providing support for an internal one, invest an hour in learning how to build relationships that support your company’s goals. You’ll see simple but powerful ways to roll out the red carpet and make your customers feel valued and satisfied.

Taming Challenging People In The Workplace

No workplace is without challenging people. While you cannot control others’ behavior, you can implement techniques to deal effectively with difficult people. Become aware of your own style of coping and learn strategies for handling difficult situations with grace and professionalism.


Windows – Tricks Everyone Needs To Know

Learn to tame unruly windows with the click of a mouse button, whip your files into shape and all sorts of other tricks every Windows user should know. These tricks work in many, many programs including those of Microsoft Office so it is well worth your time to master them. Even better, you’ll learn valuable tips to keep your computer running smoothly and places to go for help.

Windows– Keystroke Mania

Are you a keystroke lover? You are not alone! And if you are a keystroke “newbie,” you are in for a treat. Usually the keys on your keyboard can tell your computer what to do faster than you can reach for your mouse. In this session of Keystroke Mania, we’ll thoroughly explore the essential Windows keystrokes that work in many, many programs. You will be amazed at the tons of shortcuts available. So take your hands off the mouse and join this fun class.


The Essential Editing Techniques

Come discover all the essential editing techniques in Excel. We’ll cover the basics of copying, cutting and pasting, inserting and deleting columns, rows and cells, and the power of Excel’s Search and Replace feature. You’ll also pick up valuable shortcuts and tricks to speed up your editing time.

Excel’s Formulas: Doing The Math

It’s time to throw out the calculator or your ancient adding machine. If you know how to write formulas in Excel, it can do all your calculations in the blink of an eye. You’ll learn how to write mathematical formulas as well as troubleshoot them. You’ll also discover ways to avoid errors and always be right. Can you afford to miss this class?

Getting Started

Number crunching doesn’t have to be painful. Let Excel do the work for you. In this introduction, you’ll learn the critical skills you need to start working with electronic spreadsheets. You’ll see how to create new documents, edit them, navigation tricks and how to get help. This class is a must for any new Excel user!

The Ins And Outs Of Layout & Printing

In this power-packed hour, you’ll learn the essential techniques to print professional looking spreadsheets. We’ll cover the gamut—headers, footers, page breaks, and layout as well as valuable need-to-know tips for printing. If you use Excel, you cannot afford to miss this session. You’ll save hours and hours of frustration and paper!

Jazzing Up Spreadsheets (Formatting – Part One)

Are your spreadsheets readable and easy on the eyes? Come spend an hour in this informative and fun class, and learn how to take your spreadsheets from ordinary to spectacular. All the basic formatting techniques are covered—controlling how numbers appear, applying borders, patterns and colors, merging cells, as well as tricks for working with text.

Jazzing Up Spreadsheets (Formatting – Part Two)

The tour of formatting tools continues. Learn the power of styles and the format painter as well as how to size rows and columns and apply custom number formatting. You’re sure to pick up many useful tools to easily manage formatting for attractive and readable spreadsheets.


Calendar Tricks

Never miss an important date—Outlook can coordinate all your appointments easily and quickly. Learn to create appointments and events (including reoccurring ones), categorize and organize, print calendars. You’ll also discover great time-saving tips for working with your schedule. Don’t miss out; put this class on your calendar today!

Outlook’s Email – Tips & Tricks

Take your email from ordinary to extraordinary. In this hands-on two hour workshop, you will learn how to design your own personalized stationery and signatures, set reminders for follow up, create distribution lists, and work with attachments and pictures. You will also discover valuable time-saving tips to keep your inbox organized and efficient.

Outlook In The Law Office

Throw away your paper dayplanner and little scraps of paper with notes, reminders and addresses. Outlook has all the tools you need to streamline your practice. Use it as your tickler system, project manager and dayplanner. It can even help you track your work for billing purposes.

Keep Track Of Tasks

Do you still keep track of your “to do” list on paper? Outlook’s Task module is a much more powerful project manager. Invest an hour in learning how to manage your tasks all in one location—Outlook—and watch your productivity soar. You’ll learn how to create tasks, make reoccurring tasks, categorize them, print lists and better yet—how to delegate tasks to co- workers. After this session, you’ll never want to go back to the old fashioned paper list.

Keystroke Mania

Our keystroke mania continues with our favorite workhorse—Outlook. There are absolutely tons of fabulous keystrokes just waiting to be discovered. No matter the module—mail, calendar, tasks, or contacts—there is a quicker way to carry out repetitive tasks such as creating, organizing and managing items. No mouse necessary!

Managing Meetings

Whether you are the arranger of meetings or a meeting attendees, this class is an essential. We’ll start with tricks to help you coordinate multiple calendars, take you through inviting others to meetings, tracking responses and handling the inevitable re-scheduling. With Outlook as your partner, you will easily manage meetings.

Organizational Tricks For Busy People

Is your inbox out of control? Can you quickly find what you are looking for within Outlook? There are tons of features in Outlook designed to help busy people stay organized and on top of important projects. We’ll explore tricks to manage emails, deadlines and appointments. Invest an hour and watch your chaos turn into a model of efficiency.

Put Your Inbox On a Diet

Is your inbox bloated and in need of a diet? There’s good news—you can get your inbox in tip- top shape in no time and still have treats! We’ll start with tackling folders, cleanup and organizational tricks and tips to keep your inbox trim and efficient. Take the first step to a clutter-free inbox by coming to this helpful workshop.

A Refresher

If you missed the basics or are just feeling overwhelmed by all of Outlook’s bells and whistles, help is here. We’ll start by taking a quick tour of all Outlook’s modules. Then, we’re off to master the critical features you need to know including folders and views as well as setting options to tailor the program to your own preferences. It’s all about your outlook—come change your perspective today!


Delivering Effective Presentations

Whether you are making a sales pitch, doing a product demonstration, or giving a speech, you can capture your audience with PowerPoint’s impressive array of multimedia features. You’ll learn valuable presentation and closing techniques and create your own presentation using PowerPoint. Avoid common mistakes and deliver effective and winning presentations.

Editing Techniques 

Are you ready to become a Power PowerPoint User? Don’t miss this invaluable workshop, bite- sized for easy consumption, packed with practical and helpful tips. You’ll master essential time- saving techniques for efficient editing including how to use the slide sorter view, working with slide masters and templates. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of PowerPoint, Windows and personal computers.


Advanced Styles (Part 1)

Are you an experienced style user looking for tricks to make working with styles even easier? There are so many tricks it takes two sessions to cover them all! In Part One, you’ll discover key options to control style behavior, the relationship between styles and templates, customizing the Styles and Formatting task pane and the Style drop-down box. You’ll also learn several different methods for reusing styles in other documents which saves even more formatting time.

Advanced Styles (Part 2)

No Word pro will want to miss the second part of our journey into advanced tricks for working with styles. You’ll meet Word’s Organizer tool which lets you copy styles (and more) between documents and master tricks to quickly attach and apply styles for formatting at warp speed. The session also includes vital information about protecting styles.

Complex Page Numbering

Do you fight with Word when you want different headers and footers throughout your document? Is it a battle to have a mixture of page numbers? The good news—it doesn’t have to be! After just an hour, you’ll master techniques to easily and quickly control page numbers as well as headers and footers. End the battle—sign up today!

Create Brochures, Flyers and More

Skip the expensive printing costs and use Word to create professional looking advertising materials. Master all the techniques needed to create newsletters, flyers and brochures yourself. The class is instructor-led with lots of hands-on activities. You can even bring your own files to experiment with.

Creating Legal Forms

Calling all legal eagles! Do you spend precious time re-creating the wheel? There is a much easier and faster way and this course is your ticket. Learn to create and manage legal forms as well as tips to protect them against changes.

Editing At Warp Speed

Fasten your seatbelt—whether you need a refresher on editing techniques, or you’re just looking for faster and better ways to make edits, this class is for you. You’ll master copying and moving, working with the Office clipboard, and many tricks for quick revisions as well as common pitfalls to avoid. Register today and watch your productivity soar!

Footnotes & Cross References

Learn ways to control where and how footnotes appear. We’ll also master the power of the cross reference—refer to a paragraph number and always have it be right.

Formatting Fundamentals For Paragraphs

Understanding how Word formats paragraphs is a critical skill for all Word users. In this power- packed hour class, you’ll master techniques to work easily with indents, tabs, spacing, and paragraph flow as well as tricks the pros use to understand and control how Word formats.

Streamlining Mail Merges

Mail merge is the process of taking one document such as a letter and addressing it to multiple recipients. This process can save hours of time and retyping! We’ll start with the basics using Microsoft Word to create personalized forms and then we’ll move on to mailing labels. You’ll be a mail merge master ready to impress your co-workers when they see how quickly you can produce personalized documents for any occasion.

Mastering The Table of Contents

You asked for it—you got it! Come master all the techniques needed to create an accurate and professional looking table of contents quickly and easily. Together we’ll explore several different types of documents and tables as well as tricks to avoid errors and frustration.

Word’s Styles: Solving The Mysteries Of Formatting

The key to consistent and easy formatting in Word documents is by using styles—a powerful but often misunderstood feature. We’ll start by learning what styles are and what’s so great about them. You’ll discover how to use and modify Word’s built-in styles as well as how to create your own. If you are a Word user, you are already working with styles. Wouldn’t it be nice to understand them to make them work for you?

Word’s Table Of Authorities

Calling all litigators—do you dread creating a table of authorities? If so, you won’t want to miss this class. You will master techniques to take the headache out of generating an accurate table of authorities. You’ll see how to control edits, manage categories in the table and format the end result all without breaking a sweat. Don’t waste another second doing things the hard way— sign up now for this essential offering for all litigators.

Word’s Tables:  The Essentials

Tables are grids you can use to align information in an attractive, easy to read format. They are versatile and fun to work with. You’ll begin your journey into Word’s tables by learning all the different creation methods and the essential tricks for editing. Master the essentials of Word tables by enrolling for this first segment today!

Word’s Tables: Formatting Techniques

Tables are grids you can use to align information in an attractive, easy to read format. This class will teach you all the formatting techniques you’ll need to design beautiful tables including borders, shading, layout, merging and splitting cells, working with headers and rotating text. You’ll also master the tricks to control pagination. Say goodbye to dreary boring tables by registering for this class today!

Taming The Unruly Word Document

Help is here for misbehaving, maddening and mischievous Word documents. You know the ones—they suffer from what Microsoft calls the “snowflake syndrome”—dozens of styles and formatting and cost you hours of wasted time as you try to maintain consistency or even normalcy. We’ll begin our taming process with mastering the tricks for prevention and then delve into several of the best tools Word has to offer for taming unruly documents. No unruly document stands a chance with you after you’ve taken this enlightening class.

Tips, Tricks & Traps

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Word user looking for ways to work faster or solve Word’s mysteries, this workshop is for you! You’ll pick up a ton of useful time-saving tips guaranteed to make you more productive. From overlooked formatting features and techniques to customization techniques, we’ll cover it all using Word. You’ll also learn tools for troubleshooting and where to go when you’re stumped. Never again will you struggle with a misbehaving document!

Working With Microsoft Word Tables

Become a wizard with Word tables in just one short session! You’ll work hands-on creating, editing and formatting tables, a feature designed to let you chart information in an easy to read grid. You’ll also discover how to make headings repeat, control layout, and even do a little simple math. Creating beautiful tables is easy…if you know how.

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Let’s work on your next project together.